From Project to Experience to Live


Are we really willing to leave our comfort zone to make our dream come true?


This is a question that I had in my mind for the past few weeks.


One more time the universe with its extraordinary laws, in this case the attraction law, helped me answer this difficult question.


It’s Wednesday night. Out of breath, I leave the office and take a cab on the fly and go to a nice place in downtown Turin.


There is a young designer and trainer waiting for me: Michele Ramella Ottaviano.


He has a kind expression and an interesting face, like a 30’s actor.


I seat.


I feel like I have met him before. Later he tells me that actually, we have already met in high school, almost fifteen years ago.


We burst out laughing.


I like listening to him, because I completely understand the struggle of young Italians of our generation to build their microcosm.

Arch. Michele Ramella Ottaviano

Michele is open minded, I would define him as blue, creative with a love for details and perfection.


Passionate about photography, graduated in architecture and with two Masters, one at IED and the other at SOLE 24 ORE BUSINESS SCHOOL, in recent years he has made a decision: to leave his comfort zone.


Today he is a designer, attentive to details, specialized in virtual reality connected to architectural visualization.


In a nutshell?


It allows us ordinary mortals, unable to imagine the beauty of a project on paper, to live the project of our house.


Not only through the use of 3D renderings, which we are already familiar with, but above all, through the use of virtual reality.


It is wonderful to think that wearing a 3D headset, yes the kind of giant glasses that you have certainly seen in advertisements, we can walk on what will be our room or our bedroom and evaluate the emotions that the project transmits to us. All this even before the work starts or the house be built.


The goal is to give an experience.


The project that becomes an experience to live.




Michele is also a trainer. He teaches young architects how to use these fantastic new software that technological evolution has made available for us.


At the end of our meeting, he tells me about his new project, the creation of an application dedicated to virtual reality.


His eyes shine.


I smile while he confesses to me, “you know, I could have worked for the architecture studio where I worked for a long time in peace, but it was a limitation. I knew that I had to ask more of myself, that I wanted to have a project of my own and that life is too short to chase after someone else’s dream “.


We say goodbye and promise to collaborate in the future.


I leave the place happy, I have the answer to my question.


Yes, many of us despite everything, are still willing to risk everything, to make their dreams come true.

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Giada Ruscica

Digital specialist, Stocco renovations

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