Virtual Reality in numbers

By 2020 Goldman Sachs indicates a potential commissions market of $107 billion and $2.6 billion revenue in 2025, but these numbers are about professionals and consumers.

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Virtual Reality as USP and UVP

According to a survey by the National Association of Realtors 44% of clients search for properties on the internet first. This is an important indicator to explain how you will waiting for important improvements for your company and your clients if you will add in your funnel marketing this new technology.


VR generates an Unique Selling Proposition and as consequence an Unique Value Proposition. A way to differentiate from your competitors is to offer something special, unique and hard to imitable. It is possible write about new technologies as a classic example to generate USP, for this reason Internet has revolutionized the way to see the reality thanks to its use in everyday items (shoes, watch, TV, telephone). In this manner also virtual reality gives new unique approaches and positionings but the most important improvement that VR gives to your company is a focus on client in his being human, in his being a consumer critique. This is the definition of an Unique Value Proposition.

Competitive advantages

This technology gives many competitive advantages and these are classified in companies advantages and consumer advantages. It is possible to indicate in numbers this advantages.
Competitive advantages for companies are:


#1 Save money and time
There are costs to move from a property to another, specially for movements and labours, but the most onerous cost is the home staging (in this article it was a point of improvement). According to Goldman Sachs staging a single family home can cost anywhere from $975 to $5,500 per month depending on where the home is located geographically. A research of National Association or Realtors indicates 77% of real estate agents say staging helps buyers associate a property with their future home.
For this reason it is possible to write about save time too. Less time to visit a property and more properties to visit, from 5.8 properties in a day with traditional method to 50 properties in matter of minutes with VR technology.


#2 Sales efficiency and impact to consumer
It is important to show more than 50 properties in matter of minutes but more important is sales efficiency. Through an increase in customer engagement of 300%, it will be possible a faster purchase decision (about 77%) and an increase in offers of 25%.
This thanks to a virtual visit equal to the real one but more comfortable, accessible and faster for the customer. Moreover the VR tours will not eliminate real estate agents’ jobs. Agents will explain the details tour and also handle the fundamental processes of buying and selling properties.


#3 Accessibility e comprehension
You can design, model and virtualize a project that has not yet seen the light, in this way the customer can immediately understand through sight, visit and interaction with different sizes and with the relative spaces. The job for the agent is more simple, technology explains a property and he can focus on selling strategies.

Advantages for consumers are:


#1 Comprehension
About an unfinished property or the decision on renovations and repair works. An immediately comprehension makes faster choices that were slow due to a lack of a real vision about possibilities with traditional methods.
An emotional connection because this technology involves in a way that a traditional plan can’t do, even if it is a 3D plan. In this way, for example, there is the feeling that house is own, an important and necessary feeling for the purchase decision.


#2 Save time
This technology respects for a busy consumer, he will not move to visit any property but he will go to the real estate agency or wait for an agent at home. Thanks to this he can visit more than 50 properties in matter of minutes.

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Michele Ramella Ottaviano

I am a designer, visualizer and trainer, based in Turin, Italy. With over 10 years of professional experience in the field of architectural visualization I work with great attention to details and realism, creating the best possible visualization.

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